This week we are travelling to Paris to attend the kick off of a challenging European project called “Heart On chip based on induced pluripotent Stem cell Technology for personalized Medicine”.
The main goal of this project is to create a heart on a chip model by using microfluidics and developing a platform for cardiomyocytes-iPSCs. These human-induced pluripotent stem cells are very useful in OoC devices because they are derived in a patient-matched manner making them a great element for personalized medicine.
The consortium consists on seven companies and institutions from Europe and United States with the leadership of Biosense Institute in Serbia. Apart from them there are two French biotech enterprises, Cherry Biotech and Elvesys SAS, and 3 important Universities: Rutgers New Jersey (United States), Jagiellonski (Poland) and Zaragoza, where the group that made Beonchip possible will be also involved. It´s a great opportunity to network between us because the project includes some visits to the other participants to share our knowledge in some technical and entrepreneurial topics, so in the next years a member of our team will spend some months around the world trying to learn as much as possible from some of these great professionals.
Right now we are involved in two European projects, Heart on Chip and Bone on Chip (with two leading Dutch institutions), where we will help to create these new “organ on chips” that would lead us to a fastest and cheapest way to develop drugs.